What's the difference between a laptop and a Chromebook?

Chromebook vs. Laptop: A Comparison - Parallels

A Chromebook is basically a budget laptop that does not run Mac OS, Linux, or Windows, and instead operates on a special Google-based operating system called Chrome OS.
Source : https://www.parallels.com/tips/chromebook-vs-laptop/

What is the lifespan of a HP laptop?

Average Laptop Lifespan By Brand - Medium

Average Lifespan of HP When it comes to high-end products, HP laptops have an estimated average life of 5 to 6 years. Budget-friendly and low-cost HP machines, on the other hand, last on average 3 to 4 years. If you can properly care for and maintain HP computers, these laptops will last much longer than predicted.Feb 14, 2022
Source : https://medium.com/@greencodetech810/average-laptop-lifespan-by-brand-128c11394dd3

Which is good HP or Acer?

Which is a better laptop, Acer or HP? - Quora

Both Acer and HP are reputable brands that offer a wide range of laptops suitable for various needs and budgets. Choosing between the two depends on your personal preferences, requirements, and budget. Acer laptops are known for their sleek design, affordability, and high-performance hardware.Oct 11, 2015
Source : https://www.quora.com/Which-is-a-better-laptop-Acer-or-HP

Can I leave my Dell laptop plugged in 24/7?

Should a laptop be plugged in all the time? - Lee Harvey Computer Repairs

If you leave your laptop plugged in all the time, there's no danger of overcharging the battery. This is because as soon as it hits 100 percent, it will stop charging until the voltage falls below a certain level. You do, however, need to ensure that your laptop does not overheat!
Source : https://leeharveycomputing.co.uk/should-a-laptop-be-plugged-in-all-the-time/

Do laptops get slower with age?

Laptop slow or running hot? 5 signs it's time for a new device - USA Today

A laptop getting slower is mostly a sign of age. Of course, it could also mean you have malware or hackers on your device. Here's how to tell if your computer has been compromised. Laptops slow down as their memory fills up and when multiple applications are running at once.Nov 13, 2022
Source : https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/komando/2022/11/13/device-too-slow-running-hot-5-signs-its-time-new-laptop/8295268001/

Is it worth upgrading RAM from 8 to 16GB?

Benefits of Upgrading RAM from 8GB to 16GB - Tech Zone

Upgrading to 16GB of RAM offers a massive boost to your Computer's multitasking ability. You can easily switch between apps, keep a number of browser tabs open, and run memory-hungry software without any glitches.
Source : https://www.techzones.co.uk/benefits-of-upgrading-ram-from-8gb-to-16gb/